Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Bailliage de Singapour
Updated: 16th June 2022
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I. ORGANISATION ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 PRINCIPAL OFFICE ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3 TITLES, GRADES, AND INSIGNIA ........................................................................................ 3
II. MEMBERSHIP ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................... 8
III. INITIATION FEES, DUES, ARREARS, ASSESSMENTS .............................................................. 8
3.1 INITIATION FEES ............................................................................................................... 8
3.2 DUES ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 RE-ADMISSION ................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 FAILURE TO PAY DUES, ASSESSMENTS, ETC....................................................................... 9
3.5 EXPULSION OF MEMBERS ................................................................................................. 9
3.6 RESIGNATION OF MEMBERS ............................................................................................. 9
3.7 CONVICTION, BANKRUPTCY, ETC. ..................................................................................... 9
3.8 ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................... 9
IV. MANAGEMENT, GENERAL MEETINGS .............................................................................. 10
4.1 MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 10
4.2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING .......................................................................................... 10
4.3 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ........................................................................ 10
4.4 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING ........................................................................................... 10
4.5 QUORUM ....................................................................................................................... 10
V. THE COUNCIL ................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 THE COUNCIL ................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 COUNCIL MEETINGS ....................................................................................................... 12
5.3 SUB-COMMITTEES .......................................................................................................... 12
5.4 OFFICE BEARERS ............................................................................................................. 12
VI.ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS ......................................................................................... 13
VII. AUDIT ............................................................................................................................ 14
VIII. TRUSTEES ...................................................................................................................... 14
IX. VISITORS AND GUESTS ..................................................................................................... 14
X. PROHIBITIONS .................................................................................................................. 14
XI. AMENDMENT TO BYE-LAWS ............................................................................................ 15
XII. DISSOLUTION ................................................................................................................. 15
XIII. NOTICE .......................................................................................................................... 15
The Society shall be called “Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs” Bailliage de
The “Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs” Bailliage de Singapour (sometimes
hereinafter referred to as the Society) is a non-profit membership society organised
and existing under the laws of the Republic of Singapore.
1.1 Objects
The objects of the Society are:
To promote, foster and encourage the art of cooking, the preparation and serving of
food and particularly the technique of cooking by spit, barbecue or rotisserie and to
collect and disseminate historical and other information with respect to the same and
the enjoyment and tasting and understanding of superior cuisine and wines; to foster
a knowledge and understanding with respect to such forms of cooking and to
cooperate with other persons or organisations whose aims and objectives in whole or
in part are similar to those hereinabove set forth; to encourage educational institutions,
colleges, and universities to teach the culinary arts and establish departments within
their institutions for that purpose, and, in general, to foster an awareness within the
educational community concerning the importance of having the Republic of
Singapore provide its own source of accomplished chefs and the like. To do all such
other things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or
any of them including but not limited to:
(a) the holding of meetings, lectures, conferences, and competitions; and
(b) the publication and distribution of literature.
1.2 Principal Office
The place of business and the address for correspondence of the Society shall be 11
Whitley Road 297801 Singapore, or care of The Bailli Délégué or such other place as
may be designated by the Council from time to time, subject to the approval of the
Registrar of Societies.
1.3 Titles, Grades, and Insignia
Only the titles, grades and insignia mentioned hereunder will be awarded by the
International headquarters to members, whichever Bailliage National they may belong
1.3.1 Professional Members Kitchen
Rôtisseur: The initial Professional grade of La Chaîne. Reserved for a young commis.
Silver medal and chain on orange ribbon with “Rôtisseur” insignia.
Chef Rôtisseur: Sous Chef, Chef de partie, Culinary Educator.
Silver medal and chain on orange ribbon edged in red with “Rôtisseur” insignia.
Maître Rôtisseur: Owner, Director, Manager, Head Chef, Culinary Programme
Director involved in the running of the kitchen at a catering establishment.
Silver medal and chain on orange ribbon with two red stripes and “Rôtisseur” insignia.
Officier Maître Rôtisseur: Promotion for a Maître Rôtisseur.
Gold medal and chain on orange ribbon with two red stripes and “Rôtisseur” insignia.
Grand Officier Maître Rôtisseur: Special promotion for an Officier Maitre Rôtisseur,
possible after ten years in La Chaîne, but only with approval of the Président.
Gold medal and chain on orange ribbon with a red stripe in the middle and “Rôtisseur”
insignia. Front of House / Restaurant
Professionnel de la Table: a person directly involved in restaurant service.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with “place setting” insignia.
Chef de Table: Maitre d’Hôtel, Chef de Rang, Restaurant Service Educator who, if
needs be, cooks at the table.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe.
Maître Restaurateur: Owner/manager or director of a restaurant and not himself
involved with the running of the kitchen in this establishment, Service Programme
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in light blue, and
“Maître Restaurateur” insignia.
Maître Hôtelier: Owner/manager or director of a hotel, Senior Hotel School Educator.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe edged in light blue, and
“Hôtelier” insignia.
Officier Maître Restaurateur: Promotion for a Maître Restaurateur.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe, edged in red, and “Maître
Restaurateur” insignia.
Officier Maître Hôtelier: Promotion for a Maître Hôtelier.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with orange stripe edged in red, and “Hôtelier”
Grand Officier Maître Restaurateur: Special promotion for an Officier Maître
Restaurateur, possible after ten (10) years in La Chaîne, but only with approval of the
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with a wide orange stripe and a red stripe in
the middle, edged in red, and “Maître restaurateur” insignia.
Grand Officier Maître Hôtelier: Special promotion for an Officier Maître Hôtelier,
possible after ten years in La Chaîne, but only with approval of the Président.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with a wide orange stripe and a red stripe in
the middle, edged in red, and “Hôtelier” insignia. Honorariat
On reaching retirement, a member holding a professional grade becomes “Honoraire”.
This status is signified by the addition of the word “Honoraire” to his professional title
and the wearing of the “Honoraire” badge on his ribbon.
1.3.2 Non-professional Members
Chevalier / Dame de la Chaîne: The initial non-professional grades of La Chaîne.
Silver medal and chain on purple ribbon edged in light blue.
Officier: Promotion for a Chevalier or a Dame de la Chaîne. Also for a special member,
or Président of an Association to be honoured.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon edged in red.
Grand Officier: Exceptional promotion for an Officier – a gastronome who has
distinguished himself through his efforts for La Chaîne, possible after ten (10) years in
La Chaîne, but only with approval of the Président.
Gold medal and chain on purple ribbon with two red stripes and an orange stripe in
the middle Pair: Exceptional promotion for a Grand Officier, possible after fifteen (15)
years in La Chaîne, but only with approval of the Président.
Gold medal and chain on a purple ribbon, edged in orange.
1.3.3 Honorary Titles
Chevalier d’Honneur: High honorary title, given to a very important person/celebrity.
Awarded only with the approval of the Président.
Gold medal and chain on burgundy ribbon
Grand Officier d’Honneur: Highest honorary title, given to Royalty, Head of State or
Ministers. Awarded only with the approval of the Président.
Gold medal and chain on burgundy ribbon, edged in gold braid.
1.3.4 Management Bailliage
Gold medal and chain on green ribbon.
Gold medal and chain on blue ribbon. Bailliage Provincial
Bailli Provincial:
Gold medal and chain on green ribbon edged in silver braid.
Bureau Provincial:
Gold medal and chain on blue ribbon edged in silver braid. Bailliage National
Bailli Délégué:
Gold medal and chain on green ribbon edged in gold braid.
Bureau National:
Gold medal and chain on blue ribbon edged in gold braid. International
Conseil d’Administration:
Gold medal and chain on red ribbon edged in gold braid with Conseil d’Administration
Conseil Magistral:
Gold medal and chain on red ribbon edged in gold braid with Conseil Magistral
Conseil d’Honneur:
Gold medal and chain on red ribbon edged in gold braid with Conseil d’Honneur
insignia. Honorariat
Members retiring from the Bureau of a Bailliage or a Bailliage Provincial or a Bailliage
National, or from the Conseil Magistral or the Conseil d’Administration, may take
“Honoraire” status.
This status is signified by the addition of the word “Honoraire” to the management title.
The Conseil d'Administration may decide to award insignia showing “honoraire” and/or
“active” status.
1.3.5 Awards
Awards as below may be made to members for long service or to reward contribution
made to the organisation and management of La Chaîne. Commandeurs
The “Commandeur” badge will be given upon request to all members, after twenty
years of uninterrupted membership in La Chaîne since the date of induction.
The “Officier Commandeur” badge will be given upon request to all members, after
thirty years of uninterrupted membership in La Chaîne since the date of induction.
The “Grand Commandeur” badge will be given upon request to all members, after forty
years of uninterrupted membership in La Chaîne since the date of induction. Performance Awards
Awards as below may be made to members for long service or to reward contribution
made to the organisation and management of La Chaîne. Awards should be presented
at a Chapitre event by the inducting officer in the presence of the Bailli Délégué / Bailli
where present.
The criteria generally are “an excellent, an outstanding or an exceptional contribution
to the Bailliage, Province or National organisation”.
The awards shall be approved by the officer who has the right to give one after
receiving recommendations from any member of a Bailliage, Bailliage Provincial or
Bailliage National.
For recognition of an excellent contribution in the ranks of his Bureau, the Bailli may
award one Bronze Award annually and is encouraged to do so. Such awards may,
with the permission of the Bailli Délégué (or Bailli Provincial where applicable), even
be awarded to a non-officer, a member who through dedicated service to the Bailliage
deserves to be recognised.
It is also encouraged that the Bailli Délégué (or Bailli Provincial where applicable),
awards Bronze Medals to those Baillis who have excelled in managing a Bailliage. (In
addition to the medal, the recipient receives a pin to wear on his/her ribbon.)
For an outstanding contribution to La Chaîne a member may be given a Silver Award.
This Award may only be given by the Bailli Délégué however he may request that the
Bureau Provincial and/or Bureau National make recommendations as to who should
receive such recognition. (In addition to the medal, the recipient receives a pin to wear
on his/her ribbon.)
For an exceptional contribution to La Chaîne a member may be given the highest Gold
Award. It may only be awarded by the Bailli Délégué or by the Président. (In addition
to the medal, the recipient receives a pin to wear on his/her ribbon.)
2.1 Admission to Membership
(a) Every candidate for admission as a member shall be sponsored by two (2)
members, both of whom shall vouch, from their personal knowledge, for the fitness
of the candidate. The sponsors shall fully complete and sign an application known
as an “Admission Form”, which form must be accompanied by a payment for all
dues and fees required under Article III. The Admission Form shall be filed with
the Bailli Délégué.
(b) The Council shall decide on the admission of any new members.
(c) The successful candidate shall be inducted into membership by the Bailli Délégué
or any member of the Administrative Council, under the classification or rank given
to him by the Council.
(d) No person shall be admitted to membership who shall not have attained the age
of eighteen (18).
3.1 Initiation Fees
The initiation fees for all members (which shall include the cost of decorations and
certificates of membership) and the Annual Dues shall be determined by the Council
from time to time. Annual Dues shall become payable on the first day of October of
each year, in advance.
The initiation fees and the first year’s dues shall accompany the application for
3.2 Dues
All dues shall be payable by every member of the Society regardless of rank, with the
exception of a Chevalier d’ Honneur and Grand Officier d’ Honneur, all of whom shall
hold these honorary titles without the payment of dues.
3.3 Re-admission
Upon the re-admission of any member who has previously resigned from the Society
and who was a member in good standing at the time of his resignation, the Council, in
its sole discretion, may waive the payment of initiation fees by such person. Such
readmitted person shall not, however, receive a new ribbon or new certificate of
membership unless he pays the costs thereof.
3.4 Failure to pay Dues, Assessments, Etc.
Annual dues shall be paid on or before the first day of October of each year. Any
member which fails to pay his dues shall cease to be a Member of the Society. The
Council shall have power to extend the period for payment of any member.
3.5 Expulsion of Members
Any member may be expelled from membership for conduct unbecoming a member
of the Society with or without any formal charge being lodged against him. The Council
shall inform the member in writing of such action and shall grant him seven (7) days,
or such other period as the Council shall determine, to offer an explanation, which
shall be in writing.
The Council shall consider his explanation before expelling the member.
3.6 Resignation of Members
Any member may resign his membership by giving to the Society notice in writing to
that effect. Every such notice shall, unless otherwise expressed, be deemed to take
effect thirty (30) days after receipt of the letter.
3.7 Conviction, Bankruptcy, Etc.
If any member shall be convicted of any criminal offence of a grave nature or is
sentenced to a term of imprisonment or is adjudged a bankrupt, he shall thereupon
cease to be a member of the Society; but the Council shall have power, in their
discretion, to reinstate him without payment of initiation fees.
3.8 Attendance
Every member should attend the events organised by the Council where possible. The
membership of any member, other than an honorary member, may be terminated if he
fails to attend a minimum of three (3) events or dinners per year. The Council may for
good and sufficient reason waive this requirement for any member for any year.
4.1 Management
The Management of the Society shall be deputed to the Council, presided over by the
Bailli Délégué.
4.2 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in the month of March every
year upon a date and at a time to be fixed by the Council. At other times a general
meeting shall be called by the Bailli Délégué on the request in writing of ten or more
members and a general meeting may be called at any time by order of the Council.
4.3 Notice of Annual General Meeting
At least twenty-one (21) days’ notice shall be given of an Annual General Meeting and
at least seven days’ notice of any other general meeting and particulars of its Agenda
shall be contained in the notice. The following matters shall be considered at the
Annual General Meeting:
(i) The previous year’s accounts and report of the Council for the preceding
financial year;
(ii) The election of office bearers to the Council;
(iii) The appointment of auditors for the ensuing year; and
(iv) Any resolution which may be duly submitted to the meeting as hereinafter
Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda or to move any resolution at
the Annual General Meeting shall give notice thereof in writing to the Chargé de
Missions (Archiviste) not less than ten (10) days before the date of such meeting.
4.4 Special General Meeting
Special general meetings may be called at any time by the Council by giving fourteen
days’ notice to the members. The Council shall, forthwith upon the requisition in writing
of ten members stating the purpose for which the meeting is required, call a special
general meeting. No business other than that specified in the notice shall be
transacted at a special general meeting.
4.5 Quorum
The Quorum at all general meetings shall be ten (10) members. In the event of there
being no quorum the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the following week
at a place and time to be appointed and, should the number then present be insufficient
to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum but they shall have no
power to alter, amend or make additions to any of the existing Bye-Laws.
5.1 The Council
A committee called the Council consisting of the following ten (10) officers shall be
elected at each Annual General Meeting:
(a) A President who shall be known as the Bailli Délégué;
(b) An Honorary Secretary who shall be known as the Chargé de Missions (Archiviste);
(c) An Honorary Treasurer who shall be known as the Argentier; and
(d) An Honorary Assistant Treasurer who shall be known as the Chargé de Missions
(Finance/ACCR). ACCR or “Association Caritative de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs” is
La Chaîne’s’ non-profit making entity established with the objective of giving help
and assistance through its project initiatives and charitable programmes
Six (6) Council members whose designations shall be as follows:
(a) The Chancelier, who shall be in charge of administration and shall be the deputy
to the Bailli;
(b) The Conseiller Gastronomique, who shall be in charge of the establishment of the
menus and who shall be non-professional;
(c) The Conseiller Culinaire, who shall be in charge of the realisation of the menus
and who shall be a professional;
(d) The Chargé de Presse, who shall be in charge of press and publicity;
(e) The Chargé de Missions (Protocol), who shall be in charge of public relations and
protocol; and
(f) The Chargé de Missions (Wines & Spirits), who shall be in charge of all matters
relating to wines, spirits and beverages.
In addition, up to four (4) other Council members may be co-opted by the Council at
any time and their designations shall be either Honorary Conseiller or Chargé de
Missions. The term of such Council members shall end at the following Annual General
In the event of a vacancy arising during the year, the Council shall have power to
appoint a member to fill the vacancy. All the officers are eligible for re-election or reappointment
at the end of their year of office. However, the Argentier shall not hold the
same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. The Council shall consist of the
Bailli Délégué and a maximum of thirteen (13) members.
5.2 Council Meetings
Council meetings shall be convened by the Chargé de Missions (Archiviste) on the
direction of the Bailli at any time by giving three (3) days’ notice thereof and at least
three (3) Council members must be present for the proceedings of the Council to be
valid. The Council shall meet at least four (4) times a year. Every member of the
Council shall have one vote on every question and in the case of equality, the Bailli
Délégué or other member presiding at the meeting shall have a second or casting
vote. The Chargé de Missions (Archiviste) shall keep minutes of the proceedings at
the meeting, which shall be read and confirmed at the next meeting.
5.3 Sub-Committees
The Council may appoint sub-committees and depute to them any of its powers,
except those relating to the election and expulsion of members.
5.4 Office Bearers
The duties of the Council members shall be as follows:-
(a) The Bailli Délégué shall act as Chairman at all general and Council meetings and
shall represent the Society in its dealings with outside persons.
(b) The Chancelier shall deputise for the Bailli Délégué in the latter’s absence. In the
absence of both the Bailli Délégué and the Chancelier from any meeting that
meeting shall elect its own Chairman from the Council members present.
(c) The Chargé de Missions (Archiviste) shall keep all records except financial records
of the Society and shall be responsible for their correctness. He shall keep minutes
of all general and Council meetings.
(d) The Argentier shall keep all funds and shall collect and disburse all moneys on
behalf of the Society and shall keep an account of all monetary transactions and
be responsible for their correctness. He is authorised to expend a sum not
exceeding $500.00 per month for petty expenses on behalf of the Society. He shall
not keep more than $100.00 in the form of cash and any money in excess of this
shall be deposited in the Society’s bank account, which shall be maintained with
the branch of a bank to be approved by the Council. Cheques, etc. for withdrawals
from the bank account shall be signed by the Argentier and any one Council
member. The Argentier is also authorised to endorse cheques drawn in favour of
the Society.
(e) The Chargé de Missions (Finance/ACCR) shall assist the Argentier and shall be
responsible for all matters and funds relating to the ACCR.
(f) Any member of the Council absenting himself from three meetings consecutively
without a satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the
Council and a successor may be co-opted by the Council to serve until the next
Annual General Meeting.
6.1 The Chargé de Missions (Archiviste) shall, no later than twenty-one (21) days
before the day appointed for the Annual General Meeting, invite members in
writing, to nominate candidates for the posts of office bearers, and make available
a nomination form, for such purposes. The nomination form shall be in the form
described in Annex A.
6.2 Nominations shall be made on the nomination form referred to in Clause 6.1
hereof. Each nomination form shall be delivered to the Chargé de Missions
(Archiviste) no later than fourteen (14) days before the day appointed for the
Annual General Meeting.
6.3 Each nomination shall be signed by two (2) voting members who shall propose
and second, and the nomination form shall bear the written consent of the member
so nominated.
6.4 Nominations made from the floor at the Annual General Meeting shall not be
accepted unless they are nominated for a post for which no valid nomination has
been received in accordance with the provisions herein.
6.5 Every nominated candidate and his respective proposer and seconder, and each
of them shall not be in arrears of his or their respective subscriptions as at the date
of nomination.
6.6 Every nomination form shall be delivered to the Chargé de Missions (Archiviste)
or in the manner specified in the nomination form.
6.7 Any nomination that is not made in accordance with the provisions herein shall be
6.8 The Chargé de Missions (Archiviste), after verifying the eligibility of each nominee
to be a candidate for election, shall cause to be posted by electronic direct mail,
not later than seven (7) days before the date appointed for the Annual General
Meeting, the list of candidates validly nominated for election for the post of each
office in the Council, listed in alphabetical order.
6.9 For the purposes of these sub-clauses relating to the election of office bearers,
electronic mail to members will constitute notification in writing.
6.10 Election at the Annual General Meeting will be either by show of hands or, subject
to the agreement of the majority of the voting members present, by a secret ballot.
In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
7.1 Two (2) persons, not being members of the Council, shall be elected as Honorary
Auditors at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for one (1) year
only, and may not be re-elected. They shall audit each year’s accounts and
present a report upon them at the Annual General Meeting. They may be required
by the Bailli Délégué to audit the Society’s accounts for any period within their
tenure of office at any date and to make a report to the Council.
8.1 If the Society at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be
vested in Trustees for the Society who shall be appointed from time to time as
necessary by the Council.
8.2 A Trustee being a trust corporation shall be entitled to remuneration not exceeding
the remuneration stipulated in its standard rates from time to time in force.
8.3 The Trustees shall deal with such property as directed by the Council (of which
entries in the Council’s Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence) and they shall
be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Society’s property.
8.4 Any Trustees may at any time resign or be discharged from his trusteeship, if he
dies or becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind or moves permanently or is absent
from the Republic of Singapore for a period of one (1) year.
8.5 A Trustee being guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that
he continues as a Trustee may be removed from the trusteeship by a general
meeting of the Society, of which not less than two (2) weeks’ notice has been given,
specifying the proposal to remove such Trustee from office. The result of such
meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies.
9.1 Guests may be admitted to such functions of the Society as the Council may from
time to time determine.
10.1 Gambling of any kind is forbidden on the Society’s premises and the introduction
of materials for gambling into the premises is prohibited.
10.2 The funds of the Society shall not be used to pay fines of the members who have
been convicted in Court.
10.3 The Society shall not attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with trade
or prices or engage in any trade union activity as defined in the Trade Union
10.4 The Society shall not hold any lottery whether confined to its members or not in
the name of the Society or its Office Bearers, Council or members.
10.5 The Society shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds or any of
its activities to be used for political purposes.
11.1 No alterations or additions to these Rules shall be made except at a general
meeting and they shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the
Registrar of Societies.
12.1 The Society shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than threefifths
(3/5) of the members of the Society for the time being resident in Singapore
expressed either in person or by proxy at a general meeting convened for the
12.2 In the event of the Society being dissolved as provided above, all debts and
liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Society shall be fully discharged and
any remaining funds shall be donated to a charity in Singapore to be determined
by the members.
12.3 Notice of dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the
Registrar of Societies.
13.1 Unless otherwise expressly stated in these Rules, any notice given to or by any
person pursuant to these Rules shall be in writing or shall be given using
electronic communications to an address for the time being notified for that
purpose to the person giving the notice. For the avoidance of doubt,
notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules:
(a) any notice of an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting may
be given to a member of the Society by using electronic communications to
an address for the time being notified to the Society by the member;
(b) any notice of a meeting by the Council may be given to a member of the
Council by using electronic communications to an address for the time being
notified to the Council by the member of the Council.
13.2 Proof that a notice contained in an electronic communication was sent in
accordance with guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and
Administrators of England, mutatis mutandis, shall be conclusive evidence that
the notice was given.
13.3 A notice contained in an electronic communication shall be deemed to be given
at the expiry of forty-eight (48) hours after the time it was sent.
Annex A
Nomination Form
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